05. Macros VS Calories

Season #1

Let’s talk about a confused topic in diet culture and dive deeper into the nutrition side of healthy weight loss as we all know it plays such a significant role! Nutrition and healthy eating basics are by far the biggest struggle almost all of us face with trying to lose weight and also with regards to how to maintain that healthy weight and find a happy balance!

We know that counting what you eat and tracking your food will help you lose weight, 

But what method is BEST for YOU? 


PART 1 What is macro counting/calorie counting and what are the differences/how do you do it?

PART 2 Benefits and Reasons for BOTH methods

PART 3 Consistency & Quality of Food 

PART 4 Nutrients & Feed Good Foods


Happy Meets Healthy Recipe Book: HERE

HealthyBODY Reset Program INFO: HERE


50% Complete

Two Step

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