Welcome to Beyond the scale podcast where as a personal trainer, fitness coach and healthy weight loss expert, I want to talk to you about the struggles of taking care of your health in our busy society and culture, and trying to lose weight in a healthy way. And how it all plays a significant role in truly taking care of yourself. So we all experienced doubts, obstacles, setbacks, and we're all just looking to be the healthiest version of ourselves. So instead of trying to avoid the pain and avoid the struggles and not talk about it, let's deal with them. Right here real talk, real solutions to living healthy and feeling better in your body right now. So get ready. And let's begin. This is the point where you would normally turn back where you would normally give up on yourself, give yourself the excuse to turn back or repeat telling yourself why it's not gonna work. Why is it that you keep sabotaging your potential for success, to a make yourself feel like it's out of your control, or somebody else's fault, or be made yourself feel like it's fully your fault, and you're not deserving of success. Either scenarios do not need to be your story, or your thinking anymore. Just because it's something you've always done. It doesn't mean that it needs to be your forever. The climb, can feel really steep. Oh, ever so steep, I get you, I promise. It can feel like forever, that you've been climbing, working hard, and it's too far to ever reach that peak when it's gonna start to get easier. But the truth is that you could just be around the corner. So close to a place you've never been. And that still may not be the end goal. But it could be the first peek of your progress, which is not small, and can really get the ball moving sometimes. So what if this time you didn't give in? Or give up? He didn't raise your flag and defeat just this time to see what happens. Do you think it's not worth a try? Because just because it's something you've always done. It doesn't need to be your story today. Welcome back to beyond the scale podcast. Today I am recording episode number seven. I want to talk to you about sabotaging yourself creating excuses to turn back and give up on yourself. When you could be so close. When you could be at the key point when you should not be giving up and you should be pushing harder. And it's holding you back. It's holding you back from not only reaching your goals, but holding you back from seeing any results and feeling like you're getting anywhere. Right and that disrupts your day today. And that's defeating. So, let's start with part one. excuses. What are excuses because shit does happen and legitimate obstacles do pop up. But excuses are a way for you to justify choosing to not do what you need over doing what you want. Right we use excuses for instant happiness, or too impatient to do the hard work now, if we don't see instant results, really, the instant happiness is causing more harm than good. Right eating pizza and doughnuts to feel better right now causes nine negative effects on your body, your mental health, your self image etc. excuses are just a procrastination method. telling yourself you're going to do it later is only creating a bigger to do list for later and therefore a bigger stress list. Right which often results in nothing getting done because you're too overwhelmed.
My hand is definitely raised here. As I used to do this all the time before I had Kids buy who has ever stressed so much about their to do list that they just shut down and go for a nap makes no sense at all. I have so much to do why rather than take it one thing at a time and prioritize what tasks have the highest significance and priority, I better go take a nap and do nothing. So I can panic later when I wake up. Come on, we aren't always logical. We don't always make smart choices. And I've been my fair share of dumb choices and wasted time. But, and uglich I still make them now. But I am constantly creating a greater urgency to improve on that. Because being efficient as break is extremely important and necessary as I am a mom and busy and I'm an entrepreneur, entrepreneur, type one diabetic. Well, look, we're all busy, right? Everybody is busy, and it's hard to find time to do everything specially hard to tie for time for us. Time for you to work on you. But remember that you can't do everything. And that's okay. Just as asking for help is okay. Because the to do list, always feel long. And you will never have enough time to do everything. So what means the most to you? What can you do to give you more energy to do the other things that you do? How can you quit the excuses and the crap you keep telling yourself and actually take some action so that you can finally get closer to where you actually want to go goals goals. But most importantly, so you can stay on top of everything. On top of life of managing one wave that obstacles do come your way and setbacks. Manage you manage your stress way better. And that's better in my opinion, than what you weigh on the scale. How you feel each day matters more how you manage your life, you gotta take care of you. And yes, it sucks. You got to do hard stuff that you don't always feel like doing. But that's life. And you do it with other hard parts in your life. Especially if you're a mom or anybody who's works a nine to five job or work shift work, you've sucked it up, you've gone to work even when you haven't felt like it. You've made sacrifices. But now you got to start making sacrifices for you for your happiness, your health. Because excuses are just barriers that you are setting for yourself. reasons you're holding yourself back and you can change that. I want to talk to you now in part two about the hard parts, the hard gaps. The times when you really got to stick it out ride the storm rather than waiting for it to pass or slowing down because there is a time for that. Right you get sick, you're on vacation, there is times to slow down and be okay with maintaining and staying as is. But I'm not talking about those parts. I'm talking about the hard parts that you want to give in that are harder to get to the gym. With those days when you've reached your macros for the day, but you still have crazy cravings at night. I want to talk about the parts where no one's watching stress is high. And it's the easiest time for you to give up. When you lose confidence in yourself and you really you want to give up. In those moments, it's your rational side of your brain kicked in. And I'm telling you you need to kick it right back out before gets comfy and leads to unnecessary eating that you didn't need to make you feel better. Look You don't have to be perfect. But you have to give more when it counts.
They are truly the hardest parts to not give in. It does not feel easy. It's a time when you feel like the world is against you and you want to use yell. You want to yell like marijuana, yelling at the ocean, and anyone who hasn't seen this movie, it's my favorite children's movie, there's so many good messages in it. Like the fact that you got to take chances and risks and work hard, and go through obstacles, defeats, before you finally reach your end goal. Because giving up will only keep you feeling stuck. And the workouts that you feel motivated for anybody can do it when they feel like it. They do not add up as much as the workouts that you dread, or don't feel like doing but push yourself to do anyway. And the times when you want the takeout pizza, but you choose the chicken, they add up more not to say some days you can't choose the pizza, you should totally, but not every time. And the times that you don't, it's easier, the easier choice is to give in, not eat the healthy one. Right are the nights that you have your husband eating ice cream and chips. And, you know, you got to have a healthy alternative planned and prepared. Those tough dang parts. Guess what? They are also the most dang important parts. They are the ones that create the biggest jumps of progress, the biggest impacts on your progress. So how can you do more of those, you can recognize when it feels tough and stop giving in and start taking an extra step forward. An extra push outside the door. Because part three now is when I want to start talking about sabotaging self sabotaging ourselves, and how we can start changing it. Your subconscious tells you that you can't do something. It's just trying to protect you from pain and fear. Right? subconsciously, you feel like you can't lose weight because it's never worked before. Well might as well give up, give in and stay where I'm at. stay nice and comfy in my comfort zone. Instead, I want you to tell and start training yourself to a new perspective and way of thinking. Starting with developing a positive inner dialogue. Look, sometimes we're our own worst enemy. we tell ourselves we can't do something and we believe it. You You let fear when you don't even try. Start with working on changing your perspective. Who cares. If you don't get it the first try. Keep going until you do. And in that process, be kinder to yourself. fill yourself with positive self talk, believe that you can do it and you will eventually because the negative thinking applies to what you've been doing to yourself up to this point, you've never believed you could do it. And that's how you thought. So that was your limiting belief that you let be your life. Now it's time to change that. And that it does always start with how we think how we talk to ourselves. Next, change your behaviors. What you do in day in day out is a pattern it is your life. Every moment you're either doing actions that puts you closer to your goals or further away. And if you consistently do something that always leads to nighttime bingeing, well, you may need to change that root cause of that behavior. Even if that's hard to do. Right, it's easy to sit down on the couch and eat your feelings. But getting up and exercising and then having a bath is harder to start. But it's healthier, and it's a healthier way to to release and deal with your stress.
You know it can mean taking space from certain people. Making sure you're not in the kitchen at a certain time. If at 3pm you love and religiously reach for something unhealthy and sweet. Instead, try going for a walk or a workout. Find a healthier habit to de stress. If that's why you're eating or just replace the old habit that's no longer serving you better To ingrain, in previous thinking and routine with something else doesn't have to be exercise. But it doesn't need to be eating just because he got to find something to swap it out. And when you're changing your behaviors and taking these steps of change, please pick one to work on at a time, instead of trying to change everything at once, identify one limiting belief that you can work on first. Because if you want to be more successful, and actually getting these changes and habits to stick, you can't approach them all at once. Plus, small meaningful changes are really going to add up and pay off I promise. What so many of us sabotage ourselves when we're under stress, right? you've developed these unhealthy ways of dealing with stress. And you're leaning on food for comfort. You're procrastinating your to do list or the things that make you feel better. And you end up becoming angry at ones you love and getting touchy. I work out to be a kinder person. And used to it's a so healthy way to relieve your stress. We all have stress. We all have busy lives, obstacles, tough shit that we got to deal with. And eating never actually deals with it never actually releases the strength strats it just makes an adds more to your plate. You don't be that. Right? Often these behaviors are rooted in our view of our self worth. We don't feel like we deserve to be happy or healthy, or organized. You're plagued with feelings of inadequacy adequacy, when you're trying to achieve your highest goals because it's it's big, it's scary, there's fear, there's a chance it might not work. But what I want to leave with you is a Brendan birch Broussard quote that I really love and I feel it fits here. Look beyond your individual performance or feelings with a reason to be your best for others. Find somebody or something worth fighting for. Because you are worth fighting for. You are enough. You don't need to turn back now. I know it feels tough. I know you feel like you've been fighting for a long time. But this is the point right now when you want to give up. That matters the most. When I need you not to give up. Don't give up. Don't turn back now. Not when it counts. Not this is it really means the most even when it gets hard, even when you want to give up. And especially when you feel doubt, because your finish line could be right around the corner. So stop waiting, and never giving yourself the chance to find out. I hope you enjoyed today's episode and I really truly hope that something was said today created a sparkle and urgency to take some action, positive action, big or small in your health in your life and just how you feel in this day. Please share those beyond the scale winds up in your Instagram stories and contain me at D E. Pike fitness all one word, as I really love to hear about and celebrate you as you deserve to be celebrated for taking action, taking the hard, uncomfortable step outside their comfort zone. Or also taking them to share this episode with a friend or family member or any person in your life. Who knows you really feel needs to hear this to remember that you don't need to be perfect to make progress on your health, your life. You just need to start. You need to keep going. Keep learning and getting back up. You got this. I'll see you on the next episode. Let's go
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