After Graduating high school I was very lost. University was very much not for me,
not how I learned and absorbed information, it was not what was calling me.
I have been taking online courses since 2014, learning about health, nutrition, training, lifestyle, technique methods, mindset and more.
There was absolute ZERO urgency for greatness, progress, and growth to reach my full potential.
I lived at home for a few of those years (barely any bills) and all of those years single, searching for a partner when I hadn’t even found myself.
I didn’t even realize it was backwards until I did find my partner and person and became a step mom immediately!
This meant immediate action - pulling up my big girl pants and no more pity parties for myself.
It wasTIME TO START doing more in my life, to be a better version of myself and become a better, more helpful person to those around me that I love.
Being thrown into the role of a Stepmom then mom of 2 not long after, was the best thing that could have happened to me.
It created urgency for my life and my actions as I finally had people who depended on me
Do I wish I created my OWN URGENCY when I had MORE time to invest more into myself? ABSOLUTELY !
And if you are someone in that position, do not wait like I did, invest in yourself NOW and CREATE the time for self improvement. If you are struggling to find that person or passion, start working on yourself and moving in the right direction.
You will be more likely to find that person faster and if not, at least you will mentally healthier to be able to give more to that relationship (win, win).
But in all honesty, procrastination has always been a battle for me.
I can remember staying up all night before a project was due, making sure it was perfect,, even if I was working on it until the minute before it was due.
So, feeling like I am constantly behind on my goals HELPS me.
Helps me create an urgency for stepping up when it gets hard,
being ok with setbacks but also pushing harder BEFORE it’s needed
(2 months PRIOR to vacation grinding so I can coast while on vacation).
I apply this to all goals in my life.
My Business and all those years wasted not taking real messy action forward.
My Health because as a type 1 diabetic. I can always be healthier/ have a better A1C level.
My Children because I am their role model and teacher. The last thing I want to show them is what giving up looks like or instilling unhealthy relationships or habits.
My Relationship because happiness and love is the ultimate goal in all our lives and should always be urgent/prioritized.
Creating urgency for is by far the best method of progress you can do for yourself.
Whether you want to improve your health, your business, your relationship or anything else in your life right now, don’t wait to start making progress!
Create an urgency today by doing the hard work you keep procrastinating and telling yourself you will do tomorrow or next week.
You know at least one of those things can be worked on, be honest with yourself!
If you don’t try, the outcome or answer will always be no or not possible, at least if you try there is a chance of success!!
If you’ve tried everything on your own but each time you fail, then it’s time to ask for help.
Speak to someone who can help you achieve these goals.
(If it IS healthy, sustainable weight loss or just overall improvement of your health, I really encourage you to book a call with me, there is a way to stop struggling with your health that doesn’t require you to flip your life into a boring, painful temporary fix).
All in all,
The KEY is to seek and create urgency for yourself, get someone to hold you accountable to your goals so you can create a greater push to accomplish them.
Yes, some hard work and getting uncomfortable is required but it’s also hard work being unhappy, unhealthy and uncomfortable with your life.
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